Hand And Mouth de Vito Acconci
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<script src="http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/video/flash/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ var s1 = new SWFObject('http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/video/flash/player-viral.swf','player','580','380','9'); s1.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); s1.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); s1.addParam('flashvars','file=http://ubumexico.centro.org.mx/video/flash/Acconci_Vito_The_Red_Tapes_2_1976.flv'); s1.write('preview'); // ]]></script>The Red Tapes part 02 57'51" de Vito Acconci 1977 lire video clique ici
The Red Tapes La seconde partie évoque la relationalité temporelle et humaine. Le passé individuel est symbolisé par la pierre qu’on déplace, tel Sisyphe. Les rapports de l’individu à autrui sont mis en place successivement : la solitude (en prison), le couple, la camaraderie, la rue, l’amitié. Ce parcours se clôt sur une robinsonnade (un rapport du temps chronologique au vécu individuel dans un espace isolé et clos). L’idée d’un enfermement, à la fois temporel, spatial et affectif, domine.
The Red Tapes is a three-part epic that features the diary musings of a committed outsider: revolutionary, prisoner, artist. The series offers a fragmented mythic narrative and a poetic reassessment of the radical social and aesthetic aspirations of the previous decade. Acconci maps a "topography of the self," constructing scenes that suggest both the intimate video space of close-up and the panoramic landscape of film space. The production of The Red Tapes involved painters and filmmakers Erika Beckman, Ilona Granet, Richie O'Halloran, Kathy Rusch, David Salle, and Michael Zwack. "I'm thinking of landscape in terms of movie-I'm forced then to treat landscape as a dream, myth, history of a culture. Thinking of person, close-up, in terms of video-I'm forced then to treat person on-the-spot news, convoluted soap opera." Vito Acconci, 1976
+ d'infos
Vito Acconci - Pryings (1971) from Desi Ramone on Vimeo.
Vito Acconci - Open Book 1974
Vito Acconci - Undertone 1972 extrait
Tags : archives, studio, Point to point, The Red Tapes, Viito Acconci, Vito Acconci Ubu com, Cassette Rouge, Erika Beckman, Ilona Granet, Kathy Rusch, David Salle, Michael Zwack, Richie O'Halloran, Acconci art vieo Undertone, Acconci art video Open Book, Vito Acconci art video Pryings